Recently I got to see a talk by Uwe Lübbermann. He is the “central coordinator” of Premium Cola. He founded and runs Premium Cola with a so-called “operating system”, which he has already exported to other companies. Well, companies is not really the right term, because they all work very differently from what is considered normal:
- They don’t have any offices or own means of production
- They don’t have contracts
- They treat everyone in their eco system – employees, truck drivers, beverage grocers, Cola production, … – as partners and equals
- All their costs and revenue is public
- They limit their annual growth
Within the system of capitalism, they manage to do something completely different. If you like the concept of Buurtzorg, Premium Cola’s operating system should be right up your alley!
Here’s an article with more information about Premium Cola.
And if Uwe is ever giving a talk in your vicinitiy, go watch it!